The Director’s Level Sponsorship is the highest sponsorship level in the IEC Chesapeake chapter!
Director’s Level Sponsors are recognized on every IEC Chesapeake/IECC Staff email signature (name and logo) and appear on Staff Email Blasts from headquarters and Chapter Alerts.
Customizable Sponsor packages can include:
- Company logo is featured on Apprentice Safety Shirts. IECC’s chapter apprentice population is 1200+ strong.
- Director’s Level Sponsors will automatically be Spring Golf Tournament Event Sponsors; this includes a Foursome for each Sponsor. In addition, you may customize this by choosing any of the other golf sponsorships-you have First Look at this event.
- Recognition and a one-page ad in the annual Apprenticeship Graduation Brochure.
- Each Director’s Level Sponsorship company will be featured in monthly LinkedIn blogs and posts, which enjoy a large audience and automatically populate several other digital platforms.
- Sponsor our Career and Technical Education Days at the IECC headquarters or on the Eastern Shore. These are our annual Career Circuit Days with high school students.
- Sponsor a classroom, office, lab, or conference room at the Laurel Headquarters.
- Two tickets to the End of Year Brewery Event.
- Opportunities to sponsor one of our brewery events or Top Golf (if the events are not pre-sponsored*).
- Opportunity to be one of the two Graduation Event Sponsors ($6K per Sponsor). (This sponsorship is available only to Associate Partner Members, not Contractor Members.)
*Breweries and Top Golf are often pre-sponsored a year in advance of the event.