No. Probably not.
The latest from Legrand- the Radiant SSL 7A LED Dimmer, combining the very ingredients your Mom told you to look for in a relationship: Smarts and Good Looks.
- Part of the radiant® collection.
- SSL 7A Compliant
- Rating: 250W LED; CFL; 300W Incandescent; 120VAC, 60Hz.
- Calibration button allows users to adjust the top and bottom of the dimming range for a wide range of CFL and LED bulbs.
- Can be used in single pole and 3-way applications.
- Three interchangeable face colors: White, Light Almond, and Ivory.
- No neutral wire required.
That’s right- no neutral required…
Ooooooooo. Your new boyfriend is Handsome and Smart!
Legrand is a valued IECC Associate Partner- talk to your local rep today about how your commercial and residential dimming systems can be enhanced.
Jenny Boone Business Development
IEC Chesapeake/IECC