Home » Your Customers Are Looking For You…Can They Find You?

IEC Chesapeake feels digital platform promotion is important. VERY important. We know people are searching every day for apprenticeship options, electrical education both under and post grad, and chapter networking opportunities.

Google homepage shown on tablet

We offer our Associate Partners, the members who directly interface with electricians through products and service for electricians, many opportunities to get their products in front of both contractor members and the public.

Chief among these, Associate Partners can submit product innovations, updates, and even warnings to IECC for Linked In articles- you may have seen our regular feature, “Yep, We Have an AP (Associate Partner) for That”. These articles then get shared out to our other digital platforms.

It works; it works very well in fact. So I was very pleased to see the recent article in Electrician Talk regarding why contractors should get on the digital ball the same way distribution and manufacturers do. Many large contractors put concerted effort into their media presence- posting updates about their companies and projects daily. That’s the ticket.

But the smaller companies need to embrace this habit as well.

“If used correctly, social media is the best marketing, advertising and rating service on the planet, ranging from cheap to downright free. A business can literally explode overnight after one viral social media post.

Of course, a business can also crash and burn thanks to social media. The key is something we said earlier… ”If used correctly.” You must know what you’re doing. You need a plan and a list of dos and don’ts for posting on social media. Lucky for you, we have such a list and we’re willing to share it.”

Visit their article and look at the Do’s and Don’ts

It’s worth the few minutes it’ll take you. We hear a lot from smaller companies, looking at chapter engagement to grow. We always tell them that if they want to pay dues and just sit back- save the check. It won’t help.

Engagement helps. Be involved, take steps outside of your day in , day out business. If people don’t SEE you, they don’t know you are there. Get in front of them- it’s worth thirty minutes of each day to update a posting, and share what your company is up to- ESPECIALLY if you are a smaller company.

Swim with the big fish- the waters are safe.

Jenny Boone
Business Development
IEC Chesapeake/IECC
