Home » 2021? Are You Serious???

Yes. I am…as a heart attack. Brewery events are sponsored through 2020.

Scene from Notorious by Alfred Hitchcock
Notorius Hitchcock

We just had another great IECC brewery event for the end of year at Jailbreak in Laurel- here’s what we will be doing in 2019 AND 2020:

2019 Fall Brewery Event (Crooked Crab) SPONSOR:  Dominion Electric Supply

Oct. 8th/TUES 

2019 EOY Brewery Event (Black Flag Brewery) SPONSOR:  Colerick Sales

December 10th/TUES 

2020 Fall Brewery event (venue TBD)   SPONSOR: Phoenix Sales

TBD date October 

2020 End of Year brewery event (venue TBD)   SPONSOR:  Dominion Electric Supply

December 8th

2021 …Your company name here??? Let me know if you’re interested!

Keep your eyes peeled for Whiskey Creek Golf Cub tournament “teaser” at the end of January- registrations will start February 1st.

Start your engines; those carts don’t drive themselves.

Jenny Boone Business Development
IEC Chesapeake/IECC