Oh Yes, Oh Yes! It’s the IECC February Member Spotlight!
This month: STEVE KILLIUS of Legrand…Steve Killius, VP Contractor Industry Affairs and Programs

1. When you became an electrician/ or engaged in electrical industry
I was always fascinated by construction and since 7th grade I knew I wanted to be an electrician. Upon graduation from high school, I went to work for a small contractor in NJ. He had three businesses, Electrical Service and Construction, Furnace work (large commercial boilers), and because he owned a crane, bucket trucks, dump trucks and the saws, we did tree work occasionally.
2. Areas of concentration @ eg residential/commercial, generators, lighting…
Though I only did this for one year, I learned about residential, commercial, and light industrial electrical work. The very first project I worked on was lighting a high school football field including setting 90’ poles and all the trenching, conduit, cable, and gear associated. The owner taught me to change ballasts and bulbs on light fixtures and would send me out in a 60’ bucket truck to work on parking lot fixtures. Because I was working alone, he taught me to rig ropes and rappel out of the bucket in case the truck engine died. I worked in warehouses, small factories, and yes, crawl spaces under homes. I tried my hand at bending conduit (respect to those who do that well!), but I was unable to get an apprenticeship spot (that’s an interesting story), and decided to go in another direction. Not sure if it was intentional or accidental, but I’ve been in the limited voltage and electrical industry for over 30 years.
3. Service coverage area/ territory
At the time of my electrician helper experience, I was in central NJ. In my sales career I have had local territories in NY/NJ, responsibility for the NE Region, and now a national role with Legrand where I brand the company as a friend and partner to the Electrical Construction Contractor, the Electrician, and the Student/Apprentice.
4. IECC Membership involvement: BOD’s, committees
I personally belong to two IEC Chapters including IECC where I serve on the Apprenticeship and Industry Partner committees. Our primary interest is supporting apprenticeship and continuing education of electrical professionals.
Legrand has been a Marketing Partner with IEC National since before my time at Legrand starting in 2008. Since that time, we have increased our engagement, continuing as a (now) Circuit Marketing Partner, and a “Partner in Learning” supporter. I serve on three national committees: Finance, Industry Partners, and Professional Development.
5. Personal interests @ eg boating, fishing, etc.
When not working I enjoy spending time with my family and exploring my adopted city of Charleston and state of South Carolina. Though I don’t own a boat, I will take any excuse to get on the water – boating and/or fishing. We enjoy antique shops and refinishing interesting furniture and objects. I enjoy car shows and I’m active with the British Car Club of Charleston, puttering around with my 1978 MGB.
Thank you Steve- and for your unfailing dedication to electrical apprenticeship.
Jenny Boone
IECC, VP of Business Development