What happens when your Sales Team or manufacturer marketing division includes IECC in their announcements?
I review them, search for pertinent images, blog or post about you, and kick over to our chapter consultants, Incite Marketing.
Incite propagates our blogs and posts to Twitter, Face Book , and onto our website home page. Anyone searching IEC, apprenticeship, or product matter similar to yours will come upon multiple references.
It’s a part of your Associate Partner Membership. There’s no additional cost.
I do it every day… let me do it for you.
Colerick, Legrand, Milwaukee, BENECO, Philips ,Sportlights, ABB, SIMPro, Siemens, Schneider, United, and Eaton have benefited from blogged materials. They average 400 clicks within 48 hours on Linked In alone. At the end of each month, I get stats on click rates and responses from all platforms, by geography and profession. Valuable exposure.
We are searched by apprentices, electricians, engineers, manufacturers, and builders from all over the country. We get inquiries from England, Germany, and parts of the Mid East.
Product announcement? Innovation? New legislation? New Team member? Industry warning? Classes at your distribution center?
Email me. Share it. It’s working for some of your competitors right now…
Jenny Boone
Business Development, IEChesapeake/IECC