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Atticus Finch is right. He’s always right.

Now that we are starting to put 2020 in our rearview mirror (and seriously can we drive fast enough away from it?) I want to remind you that our 2021 Events are being planned and will be open very soon for sponsorship and registrations.

atticusandscout tokillamockingbirdthebostonglobe

First up will be a joint Clay Shoot with IEC Chesapeake and IEC Central PA. Scheduled for April. Guns and electricians…what could go wrong?!

Next up in May will be our annual Bill Robey Memorial Golf Tournament at the beautiful Whiskey Creek Golf Club in Frederick, Maryland. Ahhhh, the sun, the greens, the humiliation!

Our August Brewery Event (brewery TBD) is sponsored and will start participant registrations June 2021. This event is generously sponsored by Phoenix Sales & Marketing.

Our end of year brewery event in December (brewery TBD) is sponsored and will start registrations by late October 2021. This event is generously sponsored by Dominion Electric Supply.

By the way- our brewery events are immensely popular…the next sponsorship opportunity for one is end of year/December 2023. Yes. You read that right. 2023.

So, if you aren’t a member, cozy up to one. We’d love to meet you at golf or a brewery.

Don’t know how to cozy up to one of our members? Ask me. I’ll tell you how.

#put2020inyourrearview       #gripitandripit        #youlooklikeineedadrink

Jenny Boone
IECC Business Development     