Home » The Buck Will Actually Stop in Pennsylvania

Join us for lunch, and to learn more about the Apprenticeship Training we will be offering in Bucks, County, Pennsylvania.

buck deer jumping fence

May 10th at United Electric Supply (a valued Associate Partner) at their Lansdale location:

1111 North Broad Street, Lansdale, PA 11:30 – 12:30

You can register at Events@IECchesapeake- or reach out to us for an e- flier and registration form. I will be happy to send one to you.

If you are an independent electrical contractor looking for apprentices, or a great program for your apprentices, you could learn a lot by joining us May tenth. Questions about our accredited online apprenticeship? We’ll answer those too.

You need never be a member of our chapter to access our educational offerings. Please consider coming to find out what IECC is here to offer!

Jenny Boone
Business Development, Independent Electrical Contractors Chesapeake/IECC
[email protected]