Associate Partner that is…at Milwaukee Tools. Here is the release for their new Angler Interchangeable Pulling Fish Tape:
“Milwaukee® continues to leap-frog the competition and provide yet another disruptive solution for our core users with the introduction of the ANGLER™ Interchangeable Pulling Fish Tape System. This game-changing new system has Four Interchangeable Drums that can be easily swapped in and out of a single Powered Base allowing users to optimize tape type and length for each specific conduit run.
Leveraging REDLITHIUM™ Battery Technology, REDLINK PLUS™ Intelligence, and a POWERSTATE ™ Brushless Motor, installers have the Power to Pull 200’ Through 360⁰ Bends. Manual fish tapes are physically straining and require repetitive motions both of which are eliminated with AUTO-RUN™ Powered Feed & Retract – allowing the user to feed out and retract back with a single trigger pull. Each interchangeable drum is specifically designed to retract the tape cleanly back into the drum for No Mess, Anti-Binding.
Simply put, the M18 FUEL™ ANGLER™ Pulling Fish Tape revolutionizes the way wire gets installed today as the industry’s first powered fish tape. Pre-Order Now!
Product Release: 11/11/19 Visit product here
Every electrician is a fisherman at some point in their career… stick on your product wading boots, head out into new waters, and take a look at this slick new offering from our friends- and apprenticeship supporters- at Milwaukee Tools!
Jenny Boone
Business Development, IEC Chesapeake/IECC